EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference 2007

giovedì 13 settembre 2007 12:44

EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference 2007

International courses and services online: Virtual Erasmus and a new generation of Open Educational Resources for a European and global outreach

8-9 Novembre
Lisbona, Portogallo

Conferenza internazionale a cui parteciperà la Prof.ssa Alessandrini come relatrice con un intervento dal tema "The teaching professionalism to guarantee school success: an overview about a Leonardo project DI.SCOL.A.".

EADTU herewith presents to you the full Conference programme 2007 of EADTU’s 20th Anniversary Conference to be held at Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon , hosted by Universidade Aberta. The Programme Committee is pleased to be able to present highly interesting and attractive presentations in relation to our conference scope of ‘International courses and services online’.

Courses and services on-line adds new opportunities for internationalisation as well as for access. By the integration of on-line courses, universities can increase their outreach and enrich their curricula with new content and pedagogical approaches. Curricula will become more interactive, more flexible and more accessible, also for international students. On-line courses imply educational services such as tutoring, assessment, staff-student interaction and group work.

The EADTU 2007 Conference takes advantage from mutual networking and collaboration between European countries and North- and South-American countries in the area of open and distance higher education, virtual mobility and e-learning. EADTU looks forward to welcome you at this great event!

Hosted by: Universidade Aberta, Lisbon , Portugal
Venue: Centro Cultural de Belém
This conference is organised under the Portuguese EU Presidency 2007

In allegato il programma della Conferenza.