Presentazione del Progetto


The SME-QUAL project aims to improve the quality of training systems for SMEs, by incorporating the ECVET provisions foreseen in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the ECVET system.

In particular, the project will provide operational European Guidelines and methods for the implementation of ECVET provisions in the VET programmes, for the SMEs.

Innovative character of the project:

The strong collaboration between the VET actors (Universities and Training Organisations), and the employers and social partners will be concentrated on developing Methodologies and Guidelines for the definition of trans-sectoral Qualifications, in particular for raising awareness and for facilitating the application of ECVET and ECTS (and EQF & EQAVET) on the qualifications for SMEs, which will be co-owned by a variety of stakeholders.

The developed Handbook will be practically tested by designing the qualification prototype for Planning and Recruiting Expert which will be defined in accordance with the Handbook, in order to validate it and to provide a concrete example of the benefits and impact of its implementation.

In order to support the ECVET application, the project will also provide quality standards for the ECVET implementation and related assessment methods & tools.

Activities and Results

The project sets the following concrete objectives:

Analyse the existing experiences and good practices in designing trans-sectoral qualifications for the SMEs, in units of LOs and with the attribution of ECVET points, in three partner countries (BE, IT, PL).

Develop the 'European Handbook for the LOs based Qualifications for SMEs', which will include operational methods and guidelines for defining trans-sectoral learning outcomes based qualifications for the SMEs.

Test the 'European Handbook for the LOs based Qualifications for SMEs' on a qualification prototype: HR Planning & Recruitment Expert.

Define and test quality standards for the ECVET implementation within trans-sectoral SMEs qualifications.

Lifelong Learning Programme

Foto With the support of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Union. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.